
Another meaning of "given"




In a 1964 conversation with New Yorker scribe Calvin Tomkins, Marcel Duchamp said that modern life had become too fast. People should be allowed to be lazy, he said. In his view, that excessive speed had come to artworks as well:

I think there is a great deal to the idea of not doing a thing, but that when you do a thing, you don’t do it in five minutes or in five hours, but in five years. I think there’s an element in the slowness of the execution that adds to the possibility of producing something that will be durable in its expression, that will be considered important five centuries later. 

The French artist was surely smiling inwardly, since he’d been at work for nearly two decades on his final work, Étant donnés: 1. la chute d’eau 2. le gaz d’éclairage (Given: 1. The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas) (1946–1966). 

But open the door to room 403, and you’ll find a dark space, a few feet deep, still floored with the same cheap, checkered black-and-white tiles as in Duchamp’s day. Black trash bags surround a space about 13 feet deep and nine feet high that houses the sculpture. A few leaves and branches litter the floor. 
The very idea of this hidden self-portrait may seem hard to put stock in. Then again, what if someone had told you, back in 1968, that Marcel Duchamp had been working for two decades on a diorama with actual leaves and sticks and a naked woman viewed through a peephole? 
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