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The most famous of these “fake fish” was called the Devil-Jack Diamond fish. In his book, Icthyologia Ohiensis, he describes the fish as being four to ten feet long with bulletproof scales. Rafinesque claimed to have seen one at a distance, but noted that they sometimes lie motionless on the surface and appear to look like logs.
これらの「偽の魚」で最も有名なものは、Devil-ジャック・ダイアモンド魚と呼ばれていました。彼の本(Icthyologia Ohiensis)では、彼は魚を防弾の目盛りによる長さ4~10フィートであると評します。少し離れて1つを見たが、彼らが外面上は時々じっとしていている点に注意して、ログのように見えるように見えたと、ラフィネスクは主張しました。
By the time Rafinesque left, Audubon had convinced him of the existence of ten different imaginary fish. When Rafinesque published his findings, he gave Audubon credit for all of the fake species, often stating “I have not seen this species, but Mr. Audubon has communicated me a drawing of it.”
At one point in his book, Rafinesque seems to doubt the accuracy of Audubon’s drawing stating
“This genus rests altogether upon the authority of Mr. Audubon, who has presented me a drawing of the only species belonging to it. It appears very distinct if his drawing be correct; but it requires to be examined again. Is it only a Sturgeon incorrectly drawn?”
The prank eventually caught up with Audubon, costing him some credibility. And as the New York Times pointed out in August, there are in fact five “mystery birds” in his Birds of America that seem to be fictional. Audubon was quite serious with his bird work, however, only drawing from nature, so it's likely they were mutations or hybrids of some sort.
Meanwhile, the bulletproof Devil-Jack Diamond fish endures in Rafinesque's field book, one of the more curious insights into the sometimes artificial history of biodiversity unearthed through the Field Book Project.
10:22 28.NOV.2015