
4月19日 今日の顔本10年日記

今日も顔本がおせっかいに大脳皮質をいじくってくる。顔本10年日記 4月19日 

fb 橋本 公成   /2016年4月19日

Yukinori Tokoro
まずこれは何の写真か – What is this series?
これは日本が誇る新幹線、Bullet Trainの中から車窓の風景を撮影したシリーズです
First of all, this is the series that the artist shot from the train window, and the train is Japanese high speed Bullet Train.
このシリーズの撮影のきっかけは何か – What is the motif of this work?
車窓の風景なんていうものは誰でも撮れるし面白くも何ともないんだけど、このシリーズは特別で、アーティストが東京と岡山間を新幹線で移動することが多く、その3時間を無駄に過ごすことが憂いた作家が、退屈しのぎに新幹線、Bullet Trainの中から車窓の風景を撮影してみたところ、面白い写真が撮れたので継続して作るようになった
Most of the people will take pictures from the train window when they are moving from a place to place. It is very common and not so interesting. He often travel from Tokyo to Okayama and it takes 4 hours. One day he started shooting because it was so boring in the car. And he discovered that the pictures have potential in its aesthetics.
これは何が面白いのか – What is unique?
もし一般の方が写真を撮ると、ある特定の場所、特定の風景にこだわって撮影するでしょう。それは富士山であったり、浜名湖であったり。しかし、新幹線から特定の風景を撮影しようとしても多くは失敗します。それは、日本が誇る新幹線、Bullet Trainの高速移動体の中から撮影しているからです。そのため、作家は車中にいるほとんどの時間を撮影に費やし、何と一回の移動で何千枚も撮影し、そのあとで優れたイメージを抽出するのです。
If we try to shoot from the train, we will aim some scenery for the memory of travelling. But from the bullet train, most of the scene will not be able to captured because the train goes so fast. The artist shoots tremendous times, mostly for thousands of times during one ride. And afterward, he looks into the coverage, then choose what he really thinks it important.
These photos include one more strong structure. It is about physics and it is like this; when you see out of the train window, you may see landscapes moving fast. It is very interesting that far points are not moving fast as near points moving fast. This is making these images very interesting and unique.
And this is the expression that artist want to capture and he makes these photos as homage to Einstein. So he titled this works EINSTEIN ROMANCE.
所幸則はだれ? - Who is Yukinori Tokoro?
Tokoro was one of most successful commercial photographer before 2006. But he quit shooting for the industry and started shooting for himself as an artist. This is the reason why his works keep potential in its story and aesthetics.

fb 橋本 公成   /2014年4月19日

I knead soil.
I give water to dried-up clay and knead by hands. During that time, I hear a sound called KUCHYA KUCHYA. It is like the totally muddy play.
And, more than one year, it is forgotten again, and the clay becomes like the dried-up ground.
I give water to dried-up clay again and I knead it again. The repetition of such a thing.
I murmur "plowing the soil is the culture".


fb 橋本 公成   /2012年4月19日


fb 橋本 公成

fb 橋本 公成   /2012年4月19日  

菜の花の絨毯  120418
— 場所: 庄内川 松河橋付近

fb 橋本 公成   /2012年4月19日

(from Mr. Keigo Yamamoto) 
Network Art Event " Voice of annular solar eclipse "
21. MAY 2012  6:15 am ~ (JPT)