
A work of translation to 3D for "PEANUTS" -翻訳としての立体表現

I have made SNOOPY, CB and WS statue again. For an event of the 65th anniversary of PEANUTS.
The artwork of translation to 3D is the work that is very interesting for me.


This work is nameless art to generally belong to a category of the display design.
It is a three-dimensional thing as translation of the image unlike the three-dimensional expression in carving and modeling, the sculpture.
In this sense, this work is existing expression on the border between two-dimension and three-dimension.
The colored solid thing exists as the three-dimensional thing which a feeling of materials texture lacks.
It exists as image itself let loose from the weight of materials.
It is the three-dimensional expression of the way which is different from "carving and molding, the sculpture" categorized in University of Arts in such a meaning.
In a modern sculpture, the basic training translates a person model and a 3D-motif into the different material such as clay and a tree or the stone in many cases.
The role model of three-dimension is three-dimensional. (from three-dimension to three-dimension translation by the material)
However, the modeler who is producing a character figurine, translate three-dimension from two-dimensional image.

For example, Walt Disney made the mock-up of the character doll to reproduce the motions of a character. After inspecting the movement with a three-dimensional doll he converted it into the two-dimension again, and completed a character design.
In contrast, the comic strip of Mr. Schulz is a line by the pens including a noise encoded in a minimum line.

"What does this one line drawn casually express?"
Sometimes I mutter this question during production.

In 2001, when I had begun to be concerned with the character figurine (3D sculpt) of PEANUTS, Mr. Schulz was having already passed away. Therefore it was impossible to ask him some questions.



We extract a language and grammar of the illustration that he drew from many comic strips that Mr.Schulz drew and translate it in 3D.

After 2001, my studio was sometimes occupied to SNOOPY.
For ten here several years, I performed work of this translation.


翻訳の仕事としての立体表現 =======








